Describe your opinion

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Say or write atleast 1-min

Describe a song that has a special meaning to you

You should say:

  • What this song is about
  • When and where you first heared it
  • How often you listen to this song
  • Explain why it has special meaning to you

Say or write atleast 1-min

Talk about a technological gadget that you use

You should say:

  • What is it?
  • Who gave it to you?
  • Why do you use it?
  • Explain why it has special to you?

Say or write atleast 1-min

Talk about a book that you like to read.

You should say:

  • What is it?
  • How often do you read it?
  • Who recommended it to you?
  • Why do you like to read it?

Say or write atleast 1-min

Talk about a restaurant where you like to go.

You should say:

  • Where is it??
  • How often do you go there?
  • To whom do you go there?
  • Why do you like to go there?

Say or write atleast 1-min

Talk about a place that you have visited recently.

You should say:

  • Where is it??
  • When did you visit this place?
  • With whom did you visit this place?
  • Why do you like this so much?

Say or write atleast 1-min

Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you

You should say:

  • What the story/novel is
  • What it is about
  • Why you find it interesting

Say or write atleast 1-min

Describe an indoor game that you liked to play when you were a child

You should say:

  • what the game was
  • who you played it with
  • how you played it where you played it
  • and explain why you liked playing that game.

Say or write atleast 1-min

Describe a restaurant that you like.

You should say:

  • where this restaurant is
  • what type of food the restaurant has
  • why you go to this restaurant
  • and explain why you like this restaurant/why this restaurant impresses you.

Say or write atleast 1-min

Describe an area of science that interests you

You should say:

  • What it is
  • What you learn from it
  • When you started become interested in it
  • Explain how this area of science help you

Say or write atleast 1-min

Describe a birthday party or celebration that you attended recently.

You should say:

  • Whose birthday it was
  • who attended the party
  • where did it take place
  • and describe the party.