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Complete the missing letters

As stage manager I w_ _ always the first and the l_ _ _ person on stage. Working on tour can be str_ _ _ _ _ _ as you have to keep t_ _ _ _ of ev_ _ _ _ _ _ is for health and safety re_ _ _ _ _ and monitored everything t_ _ _ goes on back s_ _ _ _ and keep on time. T_ _ _ once the show is o_ _ _ you have to c_ _ _ _ everything and make a n_ _ _ of everything that needs reparing or re doing be_ _ _ _ the next per_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Complete the missing letters

This would move the starting date back three years to 8 BC, and from the lunar synchronism back to 26 January(Julian). But si___ the cores ____ Roman Da ___ in t_____inscription i____ 24th January. Th____ must b__ according t__ the inco____ calendar wh___ in 9 BC August has ord_____ to b__ corrected b_ the omis____ of le__ days. As the authors of the previous paper point out, with the correct four-year cycle being used in Egypt and the three-year cycle abolished in Rome, it is unlikely that Agustus would have ordered the three-year cycle to be reduced in Asia.

Complete the missing letters

The Olympic game is an important international event featuring summer and winter sports. Sum__ Olympic Ga__ and Winter Olympic Games are he__ every fo__ years. Origi__, the ancient Olympic Games were he__ in Ancient Greece a__ Olympia. The First ga__ were i__776 BC. Th__ were he__ every fo__ years un__ the 6th Century AD. The fi__ “Modern”Olympics happened i__ 1896 in Athens Greece.

Complete the missing letters

Physical exercise is recommended for management of mild depression a__ has a mode___ effect on symp__. It is equi___ to the u___ of medications or psychological ther___ for most peop___. In older peo__, it does app __ to decrease depression.

Complete the missing letters

Electrical engineering has many subdisciplines, the mo__ popular of wh__ are listed below. Although there are electrical engi__ who focus exclu__ on one of these subdi __ many de__ with a combi__ of them. Sometimes cer__ fields, such as electronic engineering a__ career engineering, are Consi___ separate disciplines in their own right.

Complete the missing letters

The term suburb commonly refers to an urban district on the outskirts of a city that grows more rapidly than its interior. The process o__ suburbanisation wbe__ within t__ second quarter o__ the nineteenth cen__. The emer__ of the industrial ci__ at that time was spurred lar__ by developments in trans__. Until th__ the typ_ city h__ been a comp__ cluster of small bull__. People travelled primarily o__ foot, and goods were moved by horse and cart.